Benevolence Team

The Orchard Church is "For Gilmer," because we believe that Jesus is for Gilmer.
Our Benevolence Team provices short-term, emergency financial assistance covering immediate needs such as rent, food, gas, etc. Other applications are subject to benevolence team discretion.
We desire to be as kind and as generous as we can be to meet immediate needs. We have learned, however, that throwing money at a problem is rarely a true solution, and can even be an enablement.
Our desire is to provide a much more holistic approach to presented needs… Not to simply provide a financial support, but to assist with mental, emotional, and spiritual support as well. We believe the best help can be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ and with His Body, the Church. This is our primary goal, and the best, most generous kindness we could ever show.
It is for this reason that we have a tiered approach to financial assistance. The deeper the relationship, the higher the eligibility for assistance.
2023 Benevolence Team
Financial assistance is to be administered by a rotating group of deacons, serving with full authority to meet any needs they can. Of course, our hearts are often bigger than our immediate resources, so this document is to serve as a guide.
Current Benevolence Team Members:
Justin Chadwick
Larry Lynch
As a small, rural church with limited resources, our first level of assistance will, as much as possible, come through partnerships with community organizations designed to meet these exact types of needs, such as Faith, Hope, & Charity, and the Gilmer Pregnancy Center.
We will also be sure to make full use of Charity Tracker, to be sure we are cooperating with those partners as fully as possible.
Assistance Guidelines
Our great hope is to build relationships with anyone needing help. Any financial assistance will only be truly effective within the context of a deepening relationship with Christ, starting with the Body of Christ, the Church. Our eligibility guidelines reflect that desire for relationship.
Assistance requests will be presented through a completed request form, available through the benevolence team, our church office, and online at
Eligible for assistance through local partnerships
Eligible for assistance through local partnerships, and to receive up to $250 per request (up to 2 per calendar year)
Eligible for assistance through local partnerships, and to receive up to $500 per request (up to 2 per calendar year)
Of course, the deeper in relationship a person is, the much more assistance they will be able to find among friends and family. As a body, we bear each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2-3)
Request Assistance
You can also apply for assistance by obtaining an Assistance Application on paper in the church office.