Sunday, April 27 • 2:00pm-5:30pm
At The Timothy House, 35 Regeneration Way, Talking Rock, GA 30175
(Rain Date: Sunday, May 11 • 2:00PM-5:30pm)
(Registration is through The Orchard Church)
Last year, men from The Orchard Church (Orchard Guys) and Trinity Church donated funds to The Timothy House to help build their signature disc golf course. This will be the first tourament held at the property. It's an opportunity to build relationships between men from both churches and The Timothy House.
Disc golf teams will be organized into 3 or 4 man teams made up of men from each organization. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own discs or may use discs available at the course. Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd Place teams. For a small fee at the event, you can also compete for prizes for the longest drive and closest to the pin.
Registration fee includes tournament and BBQ. Any remaining proceeds will be donated to The Timothy House. If you'd like to donate directly to The Timothy House, we will have a donation bucket at the event. You can also visit their website at: https://www.timothyhouse.org/ to donate online.
This is a walking course and a NON-SANCTIONED Disc Golf Tournament.