JUNE 17th-22nd
Open to all 6th-12th graders, FUGE camps are life changing! We'll be heading to the North Greenville University FUGE Camp for a week of fun, worship, Bible study, missions, and recreation.
What will your generation be remembered for?
"And my people, who bear my name, humble themselves, pray and seek my face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
Many times throughout history, we have seen the people of God rise up and turn back to Him with passion and fervor for their faith in times of great revival. What is revival? It isn’t goosebumps or an emotional high. Revival is the spiritual awakening of God’s people to their true nature and purpose. Revival is mainly for God’s people, but those who do not know Christ also benefit because Christians actually get serious about their faith. Has the time come for another great revival? Will your generation lead the way? Join us for FUGE Camp 2024 as we look at four stories in the Bible of great change and revival that resulted in generational impact and be challenged to make a difference for generations to come.
Register by April 14th for just $225 per student, after April 14th the price goes up to $300. A $75 deposit is due upon registration.
PER PERSON (with Early Bird Registration)
Camp Pastor: Stephen Dervan
Worship Band: They Came Running
Want to know more about FUGE Camp, camp schedule, rules or what to pack and what to leave at home? Download the pdf by clicking the link below. Questions? Email Steven Mansell at steven.mansell@orchardellijay.com