Sunday Counting

We carefully count everyone, because everyone counts!

Sunday Counting Procedure

Ensuring consistency and accuracy in recording Sunday Worship Attendance

Uniformity in counting procedures:

Count should be done of all people IN SEATS in the auditorium.

DO NOT Count Security Team, Band, Tech Booth, Children’s Volunteers, or Pastor/Speaker UNLESS they are in a seat on the auditorium floor.

EVERY person- adult or child- in a seat in the auditorium should be counted.

Count should be done during the message, prior to closing, from the top of the stairs.

Once count is complete, counters will record the number on the count sheet that will be kept with Dianne in the cafe area.

Record the number in the top blank on the count sheet for the corresponding service. THIS IS THE ONLY NUMBER DEACONS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPLYING EACH SERVICE.

At the conclusion of the 3rd service, Dianne will give the attendance card to Jennie or Larry.