Our CR program is one of the largest in North Georgia, but none of it would be possible without JESUS and our amazing volunteers. If you would like to look into volunteering with us, you can find the job descriptions below and click here to sign up!
TIME: 5:00pm – 5:40pm
- Unlock both front doors.
- Make sure bathroom lights are on and supplies are in each bathroom. Check small bathroom upstairs for kids use.
- Check all small rooms and make sure lights are on in each one as well as the lights upstairs
- Get tables from kitchen between S.S fridge and Washer. Set 2 tables up in Resource area for food and another facing the kids check in for drinks. Set up one skinny table along wall next to the lady’s room for kid’s drinks
- Set up 2 tables side by side inside the front door against the wall across from the doors
- Check to be sure there are at least 125 chairs in the auditorium for large group
- Set up tents for small groups (when we get them for winter meetings)
- Set up skinny table in the far back side of the auditorium with 2 chairs for signing papers.In winter, this table will be in the back of the auditorium by the main doors. Right after large group, the sign in table will be moved just outside the auditorium main doors for people to pick up their papers. Moving forward, all papers will be picked up there.
- Check that outside the front door is swept of any debris or leaves.
- Check that the wood safety counter is in the lobby for Larry. If not, please move it there.
Dining Tables
- Set up 3 rows of tables, 8 tables in total, from the shed under the overhang in front of the Church with a total of 57 chairs from the shed or auditorium if we have enough chairs in there. Bruce will instruct how they are to be set up. Get large garbage can with a liner and set to the side of the tables away from where people are eating to throw their food trash in.
- We will attempt to put 3 rows of tables and chairs, 3 tables to a row in the back of the auditorium, lengthwise, in front of the Mommy room window. We will likely have to move some of the end/back large group chairs to the back of another row.
Final Clean-up and Break Down
Times: 8.50 – 9:25PM
CR Leaders help with this.
- Check ALL small group areas and make sure all chip boxes and laminated guidelines are neatly put back in the tall cabinet, 2ndshelf (next to the dryer in the kitchen in the bottom wood cabinet). Throw away any fill-in papers if we do a lesson after small groups end.
- Check that ALL large and small group attendance numbers in the notebook on the kitchen table.
- Make sure all chairs are NEATLY stacked from small groups and put back either in shed or auditorium
- Assist in taking tents down and put in the shed as well as the room dividers in the auditorium.
- Check that CR freezer is locked.
- Check to make sure there are no coffee cups, response cards, trash, etc. left in ANY rooms.
- Check outside ashtray and make sure all butts are extinguished (can pour water in it) and empty into trash bag as needed and taken to the dumpster. If we need more sand, write it in kitchen notebook under “needs:
- Check that all garbage bags are emptied and put in front of the Church to take to the dumpster.All small cans get fresh liners. Large garbage can for dinner trash goes to the back of the Church along the wall outside the auditorium door.
- Assist Celebration Place Leaders & toddler Leaders put things away when all kids have left.
- When all kids are gone, check to make sure everything is put away upstairs and all lights are off, back door to playground is locked.
- When you come out of small groups, box up everything on the literature table and put back in the kitchen. Fold tables to be take into the shed after small groups is over. If food tables in Church lobby are still up, 4 of them get leaned up against the stainless refridgerator facing the washing machine. 12 step and principle banners go back in their cases and put on top of white freezer.
- We vacuum all areas that we dirty.
- Check that all lights downstairs are off. DO NOT touch anything behind the tech booth. Get Janet Crawford or Jaime Dean if stage lights or anything is left on in the auditorium.
Arrival Time: 5:15 PM – 5:30PM
Set Up
Make sure lights are all on in foyer and outside. Switches are at front door.
Set up 2 literature tables centered in the front lobby; man them as greeters and collect money for anything sold. Money goes to Janet, Suzie or in food donation red bucket on food table prior to Large Group. Distribute chips and guidelines to small group rooms.
On the table to the left, set up all official CR material from left to right (make sure everything has a price)
- Blue handouts. Keep black clips on them. When you line them up make sure what each pamphlet describes is visible. Try to keep at least 10 of them each week; if we need more, please write which ones on the bottom of the weekly page in our book under “needs”
- Towards the back of the table, add the CR Books, CR Bible, Participant Guides, 1stStep to CR, CR Devotionals, Life’s Healing Choices
- On the right side of the table, separate t-shirts by size, rolled in piles by size
- On the front of the table put CR logo promo material
- Response cards and, if needed for lessons, the fill ins
On the table to the right
- Get Mental Health sign between stainless fridge and freezer and put towards the left of the table
- All Mental Health material, sheets, blue handout, etc… goes between the sign
- On the left of the table put all other books. Free bibles and books, Boundaries, and others we choose to sell
CR Banners
- Get the principle and steps pull up banners from on top of the freezer and set them up on either side of the tables.
Distribute Chips to small group rooms with guidelines
- Take large box of chips and 2 small boxes of chips & 3 guideline sheets and put on chair in first row, middle section of auditorium
- Put 1 small box and guidelines in Mommy Room, and 2 small children’s rooms downstairs. Put 1 small box of chips and 2 Newcomers guidelines in green room.
- Once people go into the auditorium, put 1 small box of chips and a guideline on the front bench outside the Church.
5:30PM – 6:45PM
Need 2-3 at the front doors to greet people when they come in. Try to find out if they are newcomers, gender specific, and if so, welcome them and answer questions. Show them the literature table and give them private time to look at everything.
Explain our format: dinner, large group, small groups
Encourage them to go to the Newcomers Meeting the first time
Let leaders all know who they are and if possible, introduce them to a gender specific leader.
During this time frame, one at a time get something to eat if you want to.
Time: 6:15PM to 9:15 at the latest.
Set Up Check In: Set up for check in
Check in all kids when leaders arrive – our rules are basically what we do in Kidzone on Sundays
- Toddlers and babies go to Mary Ellen Callihan and Sharon Lynch in downstairs large room
- Kids 5-13 go upstairs for Celebration Place – you will escort them to the stairs where there will be a leader at the top of the stairs. They need to wait in line at check in until the leaders arrive. CP Leaders will have an ID badge saying Celebration Place on their badges with black lanyards and Celebration Place t-shirts. We will have the hallway to the steps roped off.
- No parents are to go in kid’s rooms. No one except leaders with a black lanyard can go upstairs. Ever. If they have a problem, explain why we do this. If they get belligerent, get Suzie or Larry Lynch. ALL main leaders, safety and child leaders will have radios.
- Greet all people checking kids in. Build relationships. Answer any questions. We want them to feel comfortable that their kids are safe. Make sure they understand the rules of picking up their kids after the meeting.
During CR Groups
- Assist child leaders with helping kids use the bathroom. Safety is there for boys to check the bathroom – ALL Church rules regarding this are the same as what we on Sundays.
- If Mary or anyone of the kids leaders need anything or any help, help with what you can but make sure you are always in sight of the check-in desk and watching that no one goes into the kids areas.
- If there are any issues or accidents, fill out report with the child’s leader and Suzie or Janet before you leave. Suzie is always floating around.
- You can help clean up after dinner if you get bored.
- When adults go to their small groups, write how many kids we had in CP and Toddlers on the notebook on the kitchen table where it says “CP and Toddlers” Some will pick up their kids after large group; we need a total count of kids no matter what time they leave.
After Groups
- People will gather at the table to get their kids. We need to design some type of order to pick up kids and get approval from Diane. Once we do, they will get used to it and do what you tell them moving forward.
- Once all kids are gone, put the sign in sheet where Diane instructs, along with any incident reports.
- Advise Suzie of any questions that need answers, any incidents that occurred, any needs we may have for the following week which can be written in the notebook under “Needs”.Child Leaders will do their own ordering of supplies through Shona Perez
CR pays for all food and supplies to cook dinners. You can volunteer one time, once a month, once a quarter or whatever you’re comfortable doing.
- The Sunday prior to you cooking Janet Crawford will give you a Church Credit card to purchase items we don’t already have in the Church kitchen. She will need the card back along with the receipt Friday night. The weekly budget is 70.00 and we have a lot of food in the kitchen we use.
- Prepare 5 half pans of the main course and typically serve some type of vegetables; 1 or 2- half pans and/or coleslaw, salad, bread or whatever goes with the main course. We have all condiments in the Church kitchen. You do not need to make desserts. The kids usually eat the main meal but if you want, you can make something special for them. Our food budget is $70.00 but a lot of what you’ll need we already have. We are typically feeding between 80-100 people.
5:00PM – 5:40PM
- Arrive at the Church with the food prepared. Set up the tables which will in the Resource Area.A Kitchen Coordinator will be there to guide you. Food tables will be set up by the male leaders no later than 5:10. If anything needs to be heated up, now is the time to get it started.
- Make coffee, lemonade and fill water container for coffee table with condiments and cups
- Make sugar free drinks for the kids to put on “their” table
- Put salt and pepper on the dining tables either outside or in the dining room.
- Large garbage can with liner near the dining tables
5:45 PM – 6:40PM
- We serve dinner, replenish as needed
6:40PM – 7:00PM
- Bring collection bucket and give to Sharon Berry, Larry Lynch or Janet Crawford
- Bring everything into the kitchen; food, drinks, etc. Put coffee condiments back where they go for Sunday mornings
- Throw away ½ pans. If there are any FULL pans of food left, cover tightly with foil, mark on top what it is and the date and put in the freezer for future use. If less than full pans, distribute evenly in zip lock bags to give to those in need of food during the week. Leaders will distribute after the meeting ends.
- Wash all else and put away for Sunday morning. If tablecloths used are dirty, put in the washing machine, if not, fold and put back in kitchen drawer.
- All paper goods go back where they came from
- Leave full kitchen trash bags in the kitchen for us to dump later and please put another liner in the trash can.
If you would like more information about our CR program or have any questions you can reach our leadership at the button below