Creating a welcome video is our way of having a personal connection with everyone who attends our church, whether they be in the auditorium on Sunday morning or on their own living room couch on Thursday night.

Remember Brittany?  She was our 'welcome' announcement girl for years, and we watched her develop from a brunette with one tattoo, to a platinum blonde with a full tattoo sleeve on both arms.  But you wanna know a secret? 

Brittany has never attended a service at The Orchard.

Brittany was part of a full staff of video producers who created content for churches, and while she was great at what she did, we OFTEN fielded the question of 'which service does she attend?  I've never seen her!'

All of this to say that we crave real human connection, and we need that now more than ever before with so many individuals being a part of our church from a distance.

So this is where you come in, we want to help foster connections with our people and get to know each other, even if we can't always share a physical space.  We LOVE when we get to kick off a Sunday service with an invitation to worship from someone unexpected, a fresh face that isn't always in the lights.  It may sound a little intimidating, but I promise, as someone who has created a video herself, it's not so bad.  With a little setup and prep work you can be a part of filling the gap.  We have a basic script but we invite you to change it up a little, make it your own!  Hit some of the key points and then ad-lib and get creative.  Include your spouse, kids, or even your pet!


[Personal Welcome]

Here at the Orchard Church, we are all about three things: Loving God, Loving Others, and Making Disciples. 
If it’s your first time joining us, we’re so glad you’re here. If so, we’d like to know. Just drop us a comment in the comment section below. We’d love to say hello! 
   We hope you will follow along with us this morning from home right there on your Bible App, a free app from YouVersion. From there, you can click on “Events” and “The Orchard Church”. You can follow sermon notes, give digitally, request prayer, and much more! Everything else you’d like to know about the Orchard is on theorchard.life!
   We’re really happy that you’re watching along with us and we really can’t wait to see which songs our worship team will lead us in today. But before we do here is our lead pastor Steve Dusek to lead us in a word of prayer.

[Personal Goodbye]