Steve Dusek - December 8, 2024
45: Not Really Cleansing The Temple
Scripture References: Mark 11:12-21
From Series: "Like No Other"
A comprehensive study of Jesus through the eyes of gospel writer Mark.
Annie Oakley
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CloseIs it possible that what we do together on Sunday mornings really just makes Jesus angry? Wouldn't you want to know? In the passage we'll examine today, Jesus gets really angry with people who are just trying to worship God. Let's look at this story, and let's see if there are parallels between what they are doing, and what we are doing.
Scripture References: Mark 11:12-21
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A comprehensive study of Jesus through the eyes of gospel writer Mark.
Steven Mansell
Mark 1:16-20
Steve Dusek
Mark 1:21-28
Ken Cann
Mark 2:1-12