Message: “33: Jesus Brings Sight, Part 3” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Like No Other.” You know, I have rebuked people before. As a dad, I’ve rebuked my children. I’ve rebuked others as well. But what happens when you actually rebuke Jesus? Simon Peter finally “saw it,” then, before you know it he actually REBUKES JESUS! What happens next?

Message: “32: Jesus Gives Sight Part 2” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” For all Christians, our entire faith rests on this: the cross and the resurrection. That’s it. 

BUT, Gospel writer Mark builds his whole work around one KEY IDEA, without which the cross and the resurrection make no sense at all. He wants you to SEE IT, and not miss it.

So, do you get it? Do you understand Mark’s key idea? 

Message: “Why You Need The Holy Spirit” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” We talk about the Father and the Son a lot… But it seems that the Holy Spirit is sort of a “tack-on…” a small edition that we really don’t talk about too much. But, He is an essential part of your salvation, and of your life experience. In fact, He is more critical for you now than ever. 

Message: “30: Bad Leaven” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” When you’re out of sync with Jesus, it may be because there is “bad leaven” in your life. That’s the way Jesus describes false teaching. A little leaven causes the entire batch of dough to rise.

But there IS “good leaven,” also! Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like good leaven! So, which leaven is in your life? Bad, or good? How do you know?

Message: “29: Here’s Your Sign” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Like No Other.” I know people who have been desperately praying for God to work in their lives for years. They are dealing with significant pain, yet it seems God doesn’t answer. What do you do when it seems God doesn’t answer your prayers?

Message: “Boast in Weakness” from Steven Mansell

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” You’re probably dealing with “thorns” in your life. You know.. Those things that cause you pain, and make you suffer. We deal with them in a hundred ways. We hope them away, wish them away, even pray them away. But today, Steven Mansell has a pretty radical idea on how we should deal with those thorns.

Message: “Stand And Pray With Israel” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” We’re joining with many churches around the world today in standing and praying for Israel. But why do we believers take a particular side? Is there hope for peace in the Middle East?

Message: “28: Walking on Water” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” Gospel writer Mark is showing, rather than telling. He wants you to see something clearly about Jesus BEFORE he tells you about the crucifixion and resurrection. Have you seen it? Do you understand?

Message: “27: Feeding 5000” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” If there’s one thing we’ve learned in this Mark study, it’s that Jesus does weird things. 

The disciples had a crisis on their hands, and they couldn’t even imagine what Jesus was about to do next. Sometimes it is good for us to not just ask “what” does Jesus do, but “why” does he do the weird thing?