Message: “I am Thankful You Are” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” It seems that the whole world has become deluded… Maybe even us to some degree. But Scripture gives us an antidote to delusion… There IS a way to better anchor yourself into the truth and know what you really believe, and what it really means.

Message: “Unmasked: The Holy Spirit” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: Unmasked.” I know there have been a lot of confusing teachings about this topic… Let’s look at what the scripture actually says about who the Holy Spirit is, and how he works in you.

Message: “You Might be a Legalist If…” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: Unmasked.” You aren’t a legalist… Some sort of Pharisee/Christian hybrid that makes sure to live by the letter, rather than the spirit of the Law, right? I thought that about myself, until I had to do a re-assessment of my own, and I was surprised! You might be too!

Message: “The Context of The Cross” from Paul Stippich

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” Did you ever realize that the words Jesus said on the cross had context? Context that we 21st century Americans have difficulty understanding. Paul Stippich walks us through the words of Jesus to see what their context reveals about us today.

Message: “Trick or Treat” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: Unmasked.” This is a tough one.. God created you to honor Him, to glorify him. Most of us think we are doing a pretty good job at that, but are we, really? What does God say about our ability to honor him?

Message: “Face Off” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: Unmasked.” That Day is coming when God will judge everyone. Including you and me. But, what is the standard He will judge by? If He judges by the standard of His written Word, then what does that mean for us? What does that mean for people who don’t have access to God’s Word? Is God’s Judgment fair to everyone?

Message: “Prayer Walk Talk” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” We just took a prayer trip to Washington DC, joining with tens of thousands of other Christians to pray for our nation. It was an amazing, refreshing experience. I wanted to share a little of it with you, so you could be in on it as well.

Message: “Presuming on God” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: That Day.” Paul is very clear with us here in Romans… “That Day” is coming. But, is God right to be angry with people who sin in these ways?

Message: “Final Answer” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: That Day.” It is easy to get down in the weeds about what will and won’t happen on That Day… For some reason, we too often forget to take the important step back and wonder why That Day will even happen in the first place…? Why does God seem to care about what we do all of a sudden at the end?

Message: “Is This It?” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Romans: That Day.” So many of us are looking around at current events and wondering if this is it? Are we nearing that final day? Are we witnessing the signs of the times, and should we expect Jesus to appear soon? Let’s have a look at what Jesus says about it.

Message: “Learn to Discern” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Knew Normal.” These days it is SO hard to discern truth from lies. Even among christian teachers, it is hard to discern. So, I have put together a 5-point “Learn to Discern” checklist to help you out!

Message: “Knew Normal” from Steve Dusek

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Knew Normal.” What if everything you thought you knew to be normal was never going to be normal again? Forget normal! Instead, learn to live God’s exceptional.