A message from the series “Jesus On Purpose.” Jesus makes a statement about judging that seems the opposite of everything else we know about him.
Message: “Jesus Reveals” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Jesus On Purpose.”
Message: “Jesus Heals” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Jesus On Purpose.” Before we can experience Jesus’ abundance, we need his healing.
Message: “Jesus on Purpose Intro” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Jesus On Purpose.”
Message: “Widen The Circle” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” Everything you need to connect to so you can parent your kids
Message: “The Finger of God” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Living In The Tension.”
Message: “The Lions of God” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Living In The Tension.” This isn’t a story about lions
Message: “The Man In The Furnace” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Living In The Tension.”
Message: “The Two Names” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Living In The Tension.” How the people of God should relate to a godless culture.
Message: “Living In The Tension Intro” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Living In The Tension.”
How God Works
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” How God works in your life and my life MOST of the time.
If I Must Perish
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” Esther’s wake up call. Do we need one?
The Silent Killer
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” If you had a lurking, potentially deadly heart condition, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Wouldn’t you deal with it whatever the cost?
Blinded By The Wrong King
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.”
Message: “Good / God” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” It is easy to see the “good” around us in this life, but God wants to show us something better… He wants us to see HIM. What in the entire world is better?