Message: “Why Are Christians So Judgmental?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Jesus says “do not judge…” Right? But is judgment the thing he hates, or is it something else that goes deeper?
Message: “Law, or Grace… Really?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
As believers, do we “have to” follow the Law of God? or is it that we “don’t have to” follow it? Jesus speaks to this, and his answer might surprise you.
Message: “Why Does God Allow Suffering And Evil?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Message: “The Bread” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Jesus says “I Am the Bread of Life,” and his disciples are grossed out by it.
Message: “The Water” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Is circumcision a good symbol of Christ?
Message: “Part 1: The Blood” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Preparing our hearts for Easter, let’s rediscover the imagery of Jesus found in the blood of the sacrificial lamb of the Passover.
Message: “Home” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
The Big Story ends up with the final two major plot points.
Message: “The Church” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Today we finally get to really explore OUR role in God’s Big Story. It turns out that our role is HUGE! But, for some reason, it doesn’t feel huge. What happened? And, why is our role so important today?
Message: “Latest LIVE event” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Message: “Holy Impossible” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
What is “impossible” in our relationship with God?
Message: “Great Land, Great Leader” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
There is a lot of talk about leadership today. Did you know that as a believer, you are by definition a leader? Jesus commissions you to lead people to himself. This is a big responsibility! So, let’s take a look at Israel’s greatest Old Testament leader and see if we can learn a few key tips and tricks from him.
Message: “Learning To Trust”
Rebecca Cummings
Message: “In The Beginning”
Rebecca Cummings
God is telling a much bigger story than you can. Let’s look at the first part of it.
Message: “Piecing It All Together”
Rebecca Cummings
Why is it that different people can read the same verses in the same Bible and come up with very different interpretations? How do we know if our interpretation is the right one?