A message from the series “Right Now.” God has been moving among us during our 21-day spiritual journey, and the Right Now campaign! This is the episode where we reveal all that has happened, and look to what is next for our church.
Message: “Practices of Jesus – Part 3” from Paul Stippich
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Practices of Jesus.” Paul Stippich returns and brings this third part in his “Practices of Jesus” series, answering the question, “so what?” Why actually practice what Jesus practices? What difference does it actually make?
Message: “Vision Results” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Right Now.”
Message: “Building The Kingdom” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Right Now.” Jesus’ main topic is “The Kingdom of God.” He talks about it all the time. But do we understand it? Do we know what the Kingdom really is, and are we part of building it?
Message: “Why I don’t Tithe” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Right Now.” There seems to be a lot of confusion around the idea of tithing. To be honest, there is a lot of manipulation and guilt when it comes to that. So, what is the Biblical case for tithing?
Message: “Partnership With Christ” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Right Now.” Last week, we all caught a clear vision for our church’s future… But do you have a clear vision for your spiritual future? How can you catch that, and how can you become what God intends for you?
Message: “Vision Sunday” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand Alone.”
Message: “Christmas Eve” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand Alone.”
Message: “Light of the World” from Steven Mansell
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand Alone.”
Message: “04: How To Burn Out This Christmas” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Elijah.” Elijah shows us that even the Godliest of people can face real burnout. How in the world did Elijah go from such overwhelming victory to such uninspiring defeat? What did it take to bring him back? What can I learn about my own burnout from his life?
Message: “03: Pray Like Elijah” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Elijah.” Did you ever notice how, when it comes to prayer, some people “have it,” and some people “don’t have it?”
Elijah was a prayer warrior. Let’s see what we can learn from him to kick our prayer life up to the next level.
Message: “02: Battle of the Gods” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Elijah.” God gave Elijah ONE MESSAGE for the culture that was crumbling all around him. Is His message the same for our culture? For us? What is his message, and what can we learn from it?
Message: “01: The Making of a Man of God” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Elijah.” At a time when the culture and the nation was collapsing all around, God raised up Elijah to speak truth to power. Could God be doing that today? Could God do that in you?
Message: “Practices of Jesus, Part 2” from Paul Stippich
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Practices of Jesus.” In part 2 of his series, Paul Stippich shows us that even though Jesus was one, united with His Father, he still had some key practices of strengthening that relationship. What are those practices, and shouldn’t I be practicing them also?
Message: “Practices of Jesus – Part 1” from Paul Stippich
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Practices of Jesus.” In this first installment of his two-part series, Paul Stippich makes the case that if you’re going to understand who you are supposed to be in this life, it is important to understand who’s you are in the first place.