Our Heartbeat
For a year now, my heart has been so heavy for our church to "Build the house." In January, we "broke ground," as I began to call us to "Take A Stand" together.
We spent the first half of the year talking about laying the foundation, and building unity in our body.
I completed my "Know God Crash Course," in January, and we just wrapped up a "Biblical Worldview" study over the summer. Right now we are redeveloping our deacon group, and we are about to re-launch our Men's "O.G." group. We'll also dive into yet another book study in our lifegroups this fall.
YOUR ROLE is to develop your group into maturity as they grow closer to God and to each other. That is BUILDING THE HOUSE!! Thank you so much for having a heart for this. I can't wait to see what God does with us through all this!
Stand And Build
I really want this whole year to be a mile-marker in our church, and in each individual life. I've made a page full of STAND resources that we're using throughout the year. I've put them all right here in one place for you and for everyone in your lifegroup.
Pursuit of Holiness Study
Begins week of September 11, 2022

Use this Amazon link to get the book in paper, digital, and audio format.
Use this Amazon link to get the study guide in paper format only.
Pursuit of Holiness Study Schedule
Schedule listed by Sunday date. Your group meets during the week on or after each of these Sundays listed.
Week of september 11
read: chapters 1 & 2
Discuss: session one: Holiness is For you
Week of september 18
read: chapter 3
Discuss: session two: Holiness is not an option
Week of september 25
read: chapter 4
Discuss: session three: the holiness of christ
Week of october 2
read: chapters 5 & 6
Discuss: session four: the battle for Holiness
Week of october 9
read: chapters 7 & 8
Discuss: session Five: God's provision and our responsibility
Week of october 16
read: chapter 9
Discuss: session six: putting sin to death
Week of october 23
read: chapter 10
Discuss: session seven: the place of personal discipline
Week of october 30
read: chapter 11
Discuss: session eight: holiness in body
Week of november 6
read: chapter 12
Discuss: session nine: holiness in spirit
Week of november 13
read: chapters 13 & 14
Discuss: session ten: Holiness and our will
Week of november 20
read: chapter 15
Discuss: session eleven: holiness and faith
thanksgiving week
read: chapters 16 & 17
Discuss: session twelve: holiness in an unholy world
Be Flexible. Sort of.
The above schedule gets us done just as Thanksgiving arrives. Of course, if your group is like mine, you will need a couple of extra weeks to complete this study, as you just won't be able to get to everything every week.
Of course, our lifegroups need seasons, and everyone will be very busy near the end/beginning of the year. SO, our lifegroups will plan to be OFF with no regular meetings from December 18 - January 5. Our younger groups may even need an additional week or two off with all the business of travel and holidays.
Even though groups are starting up again in early January, we will kick them off in a big way once again after Super Sunday in February.
Pursuit Assessment
After we've had a few weeks to get going on this book study, we'll get together and talk about what is working and what we need to change.