One Service at 11am
We're all coming together for one service at 11am! Join us as we Love God through worship; Love Others through LifeGroups; and Make Disciples through serving. If you're interested in joining a LifeGroup or serve team, be sure to visit all the tables for more information.
If you're new here, we're so glad you joined us! We want you to know, you don't have to Partner to join a LifeGroup or Serve Team.
At The Orchard, We are all about:

We love God by worshiping together every Sunday.

We love others by meeting in homes weekly for meals and deeper life together.

Disciples serve as Jesus served. We serve each other on teams, and serve outside the church in our community.

Anyone CAN. Partners WILL.
Partners are people who say “Put me in, you can count on me.” They view the call on their life as imperative, not optional. They have caught the vision of Making the Gospel Relevant, and they are committed for one year to being part of it.
Want to know more about partnership?