

Loving Others

This is designed to be a FUN SUNDAY to CELEBRATE lifegroups and LAUNCH NEW ones as well!

This is also a great opportunity to re-partner together.

Tailgate Sunday Schedule

10:00 First Impressions Team Arrives

10:30 "Environment Set" (all setup complete)

11:00 Service Begins

(song) Jericho
(song) Graves Into Gardens
(song) Happy Day
Vision for doing life together
(song) I Won't Back Down
(song) Crazy Times
(song) Landslide
(song) Learn To Fly

11:40 Service ends, relationships happen

Environment continues, Karaoke fun, Waterslide and fun stuff

Cleanup happens afterward


Theme It Up!

Last time we had this event, each lifegroup really worked up a good theme for their tent. This included costumes, decorations, and FOOD. Be sure everyone in your group brings lawn chairs and is ready to have a great time together!

Pursuit of Holiness

Our Fall book study begins one week after the Super Tailgate Sunday. That gives NEW groups one week for introductions, before kicking into high gear together!

Book Study Schedule