Steve Dusek - June 18, 2023
08: A Day in Jesus' Life

Scripture References: Mark 1:32-39
From Series: "Like No Other"
A comprehensive study of Jesus through the eyes of gospel writer Mark.
Annie Oakley
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CloseJesus' ministry grew exponentially... And all of a sudden! It would have been easy for him to get carried away with it, but he didn't Jesus remained intensely focused on his real mission. What did he do that kept him so focused? AND, what do I need to know to keep focused on the prize in my life?
Scripture References: Mark 1:32-39
Related Topics: Jesus, power, Scripture | More Messages from Steve Dusek | Download Audio
A comprehensive study of Jesus through the eyes of gospel writer Mark.
Steven Mansell
Mark 1:16-20
Steve Dusek
Mark 1:21-28
Ken Cann
Mark 2:1-12