Message: “Bold Prayers”

Rebecca Cummings

Those early disciples prayed some bold, earth-shaking prayers. But not us. We pray weak, chicken prayers. In fact, I think we have been conditioned to using weak prayer language when speaking to God. What has happened to us, and how can we pray bold prayers?

Message: “Amazing Boldness”

Rebecca Cummings

Jesus’ ministry was bold. In the face of the religious structure of the day, Jesus’ life changed everything. And he tells his disciples “you will do greater things.” Is that true? Are we living bold, world-changing lives as Jesus called us to? Or do we keep our faith quiet. What will it take for us to become BOLD?

Message: “How Would Jesus Vote?”

Rebecca Cummings

As our election cycle really heats up, it seems that the liberals on the left ask some very compelling questions about conservatives… They make the case that liberal politics better align with Jesus’ teaching than conservative politics. Is that true? What does Scripture tell us about this?

Message: “Mercy Trumps Judgement”

Rebecca Cummings

The way God deals with us is to replace our old nature with His new nature. That means even if you think you “don’t have the gift of mercy,” God is transforming you into a new person… Increasingly remaking you into His image. Mercy is who HE is, and it is who you are becoming.

Message: “Love Is A Verb”

Rebecca Cummings

On Valentine’s Day, we tend to think a lot about love. Jesus did, also… But his definition of love might be a little different than ours. Jesus was insistent that love is a verb, and that we are to show love in ways that we possibly had never considered.

Message: “State of the Church”

Rebecca Cummings

As we approach our church’s 7th birthday, this “State of the Church” describes a little of where we’ve been, where we are, and where we believe God is leading us NEXT. There are some really big changes in store for our little country church! What will be your role as we grow?

Message: “Looking Ahead”

Rebecca Cummings

When you’re driving on a trip, it pays to keep an eye on your dashboard… Checking your gauges can keep you from being stranded on the side of the road alone. What do we need to keep our eyes on so that we keep on the best path that God has for our lives?

Message: “The Best Direction”

Rebecca Cummings

We all get off the right path way too easily. We try to connect all the dots and stay on God’s best path for our lives, but we have difficulty because we can’t predict the future. We don’t have all the best information. And we are off. How can we make those decisions and take better actions?

Message: “Will I, Or Won’t I?”

Rebecca Cummings

Your life’s direction comes down to the ability to make a decision… Will you look ahead and change course when necessary, or will you live as a victim?

Message: “The Principle”

Rebecca Cummings

Many people are victimized by whatever life throws their way. But, what if there were a principle that, properly leveraged, could change the outcome of your life?

Message: “The Path Forward”

Rebecca Cummings

Is the church over, or does God still have big plans for you and for me? At a game-changing encounter in Caesarea Philippi, Jesus gives his disciples the KEYS to moving forward. Have we appropriated those keys? Are we using them properly? How does Jesus move us FORWARD in 21st Century America?

Message: “Religious Liberty”

Rebecca Cummings

It is easy to think that our religious liberty can be curtailed in the schools, in the public square, but that it doesn’t really affect my individual ability to worship. But is that really the case? Has my personal religious liberty already been restricted more than I am aware, and am I really able to experience the power of God as much as I could?

Message: “The Family Unit”

Rebecca Cummings

Christians have taken hits in recent decades in standing for “traditional family values.” It seems that the culture is losing interest in the traditional family. Now, there are all flavors of families, and it seems we have no right to say that one is better than another. Is God really concerned with this relationship? If so, why? What does the family unit have to do with the gospel, and what does that mean for my family?

Message: “Human Dignity”

Rebecca Cummings

The Gospel carries with it several key implications that define the Kingdom of God. One of those is Human Dignity. This is a HUGE implication that affects nearly every area of our life, and many of our political issues of the day.

Message: “Almost the Gospel”

Rebecca Cummings

The “Moral Majority” has been fighting for christian values and principles in our nation for about as long as I can remember. How is that working out for us? Are we a MORE moral nation today, than we used to be? Or, are we LESS moral? What happened there? Maybe we need a new way of thinking about our values and principles, and a new realization of what we should be fighting for.