Message: “Know God Part 2” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Crash Course.” Part 2 of a three-week crash course on who God has revealed Himself to be, and how we can know him more.

This class won’t just be about methodology, but about theology. We will explore the deep insights into God Himself, but presented in an easy to understand and process format.

Message: “Stand 05: Equally Important” from Ken Cann

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Stand.” Jesus, the Master Builder, says that our house’s first vital building block is loving God. Would it surprise you to know that the second building block is “equally important,” according to Him? He says we are also to LOVE OTHERS.

Message: “Know God Part 1” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Crash Course.” Part 1 of a three-week crash course on who God has revealed Himself to be, and how we can know him more.

This class won’t just be about methodology, but about theology. We will explore the deep insights into God Himself, but presented in an easy to understand and process format.

Message: “Stand 04: First Things First” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Stand.” Jesus himself gives us the first building block for building your house… He says to “Love God.”

This is a HUGE, all-encompassing statement. How can we possibly even get our heads around this? Let’s focus on loving God with your MIND.

Message: “STAND 03: Undeserved Privilege” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand.” Paul says we are people of undeserved privilege, yet we will tend to trade down… To trade away our privilege as soon as we feel like we can’t hold it together. How can we STAND FIRM, and hold on to the privilege we’ve been given?

Message: “STAND 01: A Call To Stand” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Taking A Personal Stand.” The storm is coming. It isn’t just way off on the horizon… We have already felt it’s effects. Jesus said there would be a storm, and our obedient objective is to build our house so it will stand.

This message is Pastor Steve’s urge to be ready for the storm, and serious call to stand. 

Message: “05: Courage” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Christmas List.” Far too often, we miss out on God’s purpose for our life simply because of doubt. Often it is self-doubt! We don’t think we can do what God is calling us to do… But God calls us not only to his plan, but to courage. When we courageously obey, he fills us with his abundant life!

Message: “04: Understand” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Christmas List.” All of us need wisdom to navigate our life. We hope wisdom will come to us with the push of some magic button, but that really never happens, does it?
There IS a Biblical “wisdom process,” that once engaged, will change the way you navigate the troubles of your life!

Message: “02: Faith Test” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Christmas List.” It seems to be more and more popular for churches to teach that if you have enough faith, all your troubles will just go away. But that isn’t the teaching of the Scripture… Not at all! So, what does the Word actually teach us about troubles that come our way? Where do they come from, and how do we deal with them appropriately?

Message: “01: Fear Not” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Christmas List.” We have lots of reasons to fear these days. But ancient Israel had even more! God spoke, and said “Do not be afraid.” Does His word apply to us? And, how can we overcome fear in our lives today?

Message: “Chance or Change Part 1” from Ken Cann

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Chance or Change.” We take lots of chances on things to make our lives better… To make more money, to raise our profile, to make us happier. Maybe even all our hope is in chance… “One day my ship will come in!”

We like to say that God has a plan for my life, but does He EVER leave His plan to chance?

Today, Ken Cann shows us the difference between CHANCE, and real CHANGE.

Message: “06: Sola Deo Gloria” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Sola.” As we wrap the Sola series, we come to the final one.. Sola Deo Gloria.

This one means that there is a reason, a purpose behind all of this. That means your job, your family, your weekends, your vacation, your finances, your suffering, your retirement… All of it has a purpose.

And it isn’t about you.

But honestly, we let this last thing just drop right off our list so much. And, it turns out.. This is the most important one of all!

Message: “05: Sola Scriptura” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Sola.” There are lots of voices that speak into our lives, pushing us in all kinds of different directions. The “bad drift” of the church agreed that we should listen to lots of different voices when choosing the course of our lives. But the Reformation rediscovered the idea that our ultimate authority is Scripture Alone.