Looking Forward

So, we own the property.  Now what?

Now, we make building plans.

About two years ago, we started the strategic process of planning what we thought The Orchard Church’s facility might be like.  We did NOT want to start by drawing boxes and cramming in chairs.  Instead, we began to re-ask the questions, “Why has God put us here?,” “What are we called to do?” and “How much of a scope?”  We worked through a lot of this, and I presented it to our VIPs a while back. (here is the presentation document in PDF format)

[Facilities Vision Parameters]

We are still standing by the principles laid out in that very strong document.  In the coming days, we will be talking with consultants from church design/build firms (including Chris Freyer from CCL, who did our assessment on our current property) to see what it would take to go to that next level.  Our first real conversation is this coming Monday, April 2.  I will let you know what happens!