Message: “Scale UP 02: Love God” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “ScaleUP.” What does it really mean to “Love God?” When I ask that question, I get A TON of different answers. Let’s unpack how we fulfill the Greatest Commandment.

Message: “47: Can I Trust This?” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” Has Mark 11:26 been removed from the Bible? It is in the King James Version, but not in subsequent ones. What is going on, and how can I know I can trust the Word of God as I have it today?

Message: “46: Have Faith In God” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Like No Other.” Last week we found out what makes Jesus angry enough to curse something. This week, we explore the answer to the disciples’ un-asked question, what does Jesus bless? How can we go from cursing to blessing?

Message: “45: Not Really Cleansing The Temple” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Like No Other.” Is it possible that what we do together on Sunday mornings really just makes Jesus angry? Wouldn’t you want to know?
In the passage we’ll examine today, Jesus gets really angry with people who are just trying to worship God. Let’s look at this story, and let’s see if there are parallels between what they are doing, and what we are doing.

Message: “Hope of the World” from Ken Cann

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” Ken Cann has been promising a message on “church etiquette.” I know I know. That really sounds irrelevant to my life. BUT think about it.. How we conduct ourselves when we are together reveals something about our heart. What is that, and what am I displaying when I worship with the Body of Christ?

Message: “44: Triumphal Entry” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” All through Mark’s gospel, Jesus is keeping his true identity quiet. Every time someone identifies him for who he really is, Jesus shuts it down. Let’s keep it quiet!

Until Jerusalem. Until Passover week. Suddenly, he is at the center of a parade where people are praising God for the arrival of the messiah! What changed? Why now? And, what does it say to you and me?

Message: “43: Blind Bartimaeus” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” It seems everyone around Jesus is searching for significance. The Rich Young Ruler missed it. The disciples missed it. But Blind Bartimaeus could see what it seems nobody else really could.

Message: “42: Not This Again??” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Like No Other.” How does this keep happening? EVERY time Jesus talks about his upcoming humiliation and death, the disciples start talking about being great among themselves. Jesus points one direction, and the disciples always pull in the opposite. Are we like that today?