If I Must Perish

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” Esther’s wake up call. Do we need one?

The Silent Killer

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” If you had a lurking, potentially deadly heart condition, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Wouldn’t you deal with it whatever the cost?

Message: “Good / God” from Jason Turner

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” It is easy to see the “good” around us in this life, but God wants to show us something better… He wants us to see HIM. What in the entire world is better?

Message: “A Demo Message” from Eric Murrell

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Demo Series.” This is a message that demonstrates how the Series Engine works. You can delete this message and other demo data in the Series Engine section of the WordPress admin portal.

Message: “Forgiveness” from Jason Turner

Rebecca Cummings

Forgiveness is easy to talk about, but difficult to walk out. Youth Pastor Jason Turner has a personal, powerful story of how it works out in his life.

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