Guest Speaker Maina Mwaura brings a special Father’s Day message
Message: “Forgiveness” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
Forgiveness is easy to talk about, but difficult to walk out. Youth Pastor Jason Turner has a personal, powerful story of how it works out in his life.
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Message: “Why Should I Read The Bible?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
In a culture of death and darkness, The Word of God is living and active, piercing through all that and into the core of our existence. What is it doing in you?
Message: “Why Does God Hate Divorce?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Divorce seems so common these days, yet God says He hates divorce. Is God simply out of step with our culture, or is there something much deeper going on?
Message: “Why Is God So Violent In The Old Testament?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Why does God seem so different between the Old and the New Testaments?
Message: “Will I Know My Loved Ones In Heaven?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Message: “Why Are Christians So Judgmental?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Jesus says “do not judge…” Right? But is judgment the thing he hates, or is it something else that goes deeper?
Message: “Law, or Grace… Really?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
As believers, do we “have to” follow the Law of God? or is it that we “don’t have to” follow it? Jesus speaks to this, and his answer might surprise you.
Message: “Why Does God Allow Suffering And Evil?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Message: “The Bread” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Jesus says “I Am the Bread of Life,” and his disciples are grossed out by it.
Message: “The Water” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Is circumcision a good symbol of Christ?
Message: “Part 1: The Blood” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Preparing our hearts for Easter, let’s rediscover the imagery of Jesus found in the blood of the sacrificial lamb of the Passover.
Message: “Home” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
The Big Story ends up with the final two major plot points.
Message: “The Church” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Today we finally get to really explore OUR role in God’s Big Story. It turns out that our role is HUGE! But, for some reason, it doesn’t feel huge. What happened? And, why is our role so important today?
Message: “Latest LIVE event” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings