A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” Esther’s wake up call. Do we need one?
The Silent Killer
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.” If you had a lurking, potentially deadly heart condition, wouldn’t you want to know about it? Wouldn’t you deal with it whatever the cost?
Blinded By The Wrong King
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The King Behind The Seen.”
Message: “Good / God” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” It is easy to see the “good” around us in this life, but God wants to show us something better… He wants us to see HIM. What in the entire world is better?
Message: “Can I Be A Christian and NOT Go To Church?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The God I Don’t Understand.” I hear it all the time… “I am a believer, but I don’t see the need to be in church.”
Is that right? Why should we bother with church, which really sometimes seems to be a huge bother?
Message: “A Demo Message” from Eric Murrell
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “Demo Series.” This is a message that demonstrates how the Series Engine works. You can delete this message and other demo data in the Series Engine section of the WordPress admin portal.
Message: “Why Kids, Anyway?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Why does our church invest so heavily into the next generation?
Message: “Talk To Me About Tithing” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Tithing: Is it really for New Testament Christians?
Message: “Does God Hate My Gay Friend?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
A message from the series “The God I Don’t Understand.” With so many mixed messages, how should we really view our gay neighbors?
Message: “Camp Sunday” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
Our students returned from CAMP, and tell us a little bit about how GOD worked!
Message: “Our Father” from Maina Mwaura
Rebecca Cummings
Guest Speaker Maina Mwaura brings a special Father’s Day message
Message: “Forgiveness” from Jason Turner
Rebecca Cummings
Forgiveness is easy to talk about, but difficult to walk out. Youth Pastor Jason Turner has a personal, powerful story of how it works out in his life.
Sorry, no video for this message.
Message: “Why Should I Read The Bible?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
In a culture of death and darkness, The Word of God is living and active, piercing through all that and into the core of our existence. What is it doing in you?
Message: “Why Does God Hate Divorce?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Divorce seems so common these days, yet God says He hates divorce. Is God simply out of step with our culture, or is there something much deeper going on?
Message: “Why Is God So Violent In The Old Testament?” from Stephen Dusek
Rebecca Cummings
Why does God seem so different between the Old and the New Testaments?