Message: “I Am The Good Shepherd”

Rebecca Cummings

Jesus says we are “guilty” if we claim we can see this, but can’t really see it. What does it mean that He is the “Good Shepherd?”

Message: “I Am The Light”

Rebecca Cummings

Jesus creates yet another awkward situation by angering the religious people. What is he thinking?
**Note: APOLOGIES for the poor sound quality on this video. We hope to have it fixed by next week. The audio-only version is much cleaner.

Message: “I Am The Bread of Life”

Rebecca Cummings

What could Jesus possibly say to drive many of his own followers away? It happened. What could he say to drive you away?

Message: “Knowing Jesus”

Rebecca Cummings

There is a big difference between knowing about Jesus, and actually knowing Jesus.

Everyday Heroes: Fear, or Freedom?

Rebecca Cummings

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” On the day we remember the events of the 9/11 attacks, we celebrate our local first responders, and we rediscover the key to living without fear.

Message: “The Way Up Is Down”

Rebecca Cummings

Jesus’ perspective on leadership seems to be backwards from everything else we ever understood in this world! What is the main leadership lesson from Him?

Message: “The Problem With Being A Truth Teller”

Rebecca Cummings

The idea of “truth” isn’t so popular these days. At least, not “absolute truth.” Our culture wants to be free to interpret reality through whatever lens they prefer. What happens when we, as disciples, speak the truth?

Message: “Loving God”

Rebecca Cummings

Six months after challenging the church to take some BOLD STEPS in loving God, loving others, and making disciples, Pastor Steve gives an update on how we’re doing on that… Both individually and corporately. How are you doing in your obedience to this “greatest commandment?”