A message from the series “Like No Other.” Mark drops a bombshell on his readers… John the Baptist is dead.
We know a lot about John the Baptist, but Mark provides us with a contrast to help us see what it is like to be a servant of the Lord.
Message: “22: Come and Go” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” We tend to think of the disciples as being in some kind of steady state… But in Mark 6, Jesus changes their status… He gives them a brand new assignment that changes them and changes what they do.
Message: “21: Small Town Blues” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” With tension high in Capernaum, Jesus returns home to Nazareth… Where he ratchets the tension up even higher! Mark tells us that he could do no miracles there in his hometown. Why is that? What keeps Jesus from doing miracles, and how can I keep him DOING miracles in my life?
Message: “Communion Sunday” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” In our study of Mark, it seems that Jesus engenders one of two responses: Amazement, or anger. Which does he engender in you? And, how do you appropriately express that response back to him?
Message: “20: Two Twelve Year Stories, Part 2” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Jesus was caught up in a crowd of people. Many touched him, yet one woman’s touch was different. HER touch caused power to flow into her from Jesus, changing her life. What was different about her touch, and what do I need to know to receive that same kind of power from Him?
Message: “19: Two Twelve Year Stories Part 1” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Like No Other.” What was this guy thinking?
He ran with the crowd that hated Jesus. What would make him so desperate that he would ask Jesus to his house? What does Jesus do when you have desperate faith?
Message: “18: Legion and Pigs” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” In Mark 5, Jesus encounters a man possessed by not just A demon, but many demons… A LEGION of demons. This story speaks to what occupies and possesses us… What is occupying your mind and heart today?
Message: “17: Storm Story” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Like No Other.” It is one of our favorite stories… It’s a story about a storm.
It seems the way Jesus deals with storms is very different from the way the disciples wanted to deal. How do you deal with the storms in your life? What can we learn from Jesus, and how does he want to change the storm’s outcome in your life?
Message: “16: Kingdom Pictures” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Jesus often spoke with parables. When the disciples asked him to explain why he taught that way, he said his stories had one of two effects… One good, one bad. Which does it have on you?
Message: “15: The Unpardonable Sin” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Like No Other.”
Message: “14: Who Is Jesus’ Family?” from Steven Mansell
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Discipleship happens in community, yet we in America love our independence from our community… We see that as a high value. So, does the church have a discipleship problem? What is my role as a disciple who makes disciples? Steven Mansell brings a convicting message about it.
Message: “13: Four Hearers” from Jeff Parker
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Jesus addresses his listeners, saying that there are four different types of hearers. Most of us think we are the good type, but Jesus seems to imply that only 25% are. How do I know if I am the good type, and what can I do about it?
Message: “12: Jesus Under Pressure” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Stress and anxiety are huge problems today, yet Jesus says that we are to be people of peace and rest. Jesus can’t possibly understand modern stress, can he? What is Jesus’ model for dealing with stress?
Message: “11: Lord of the Sabbath” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Jesus claims to be the “Lord of the Sabbath.” What does that even mean? Most Christians I know do not legit practice the sabbath.. In fact, we barely even know what that is anymore. So what is Jesus laying claim to? And, what are the implications for when he wants to do something Sabbath in our lives?
Message: “10: Jesus’ Disciples Don’t Fast?” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Like No Other.” Jesus shows up on the scene as a religious leader, a rabbi… Yet he constantly seems to be “out of bounds…” He breaks the rules. Why does he do that? And, does that mean it is okay for us Christ followers to break the rules, also?