A message from the series “Don\’t Waste Your Summer.” Our summer can sometimes overwhelm us with business or laziness, and we get caught up and miss God’s much better purpose for our summer. Don’t be overwhelmed and miss out, but experience overwhelming victory in Christ!
Message: “Don’t Waste Your Summer Part 01: More to This Than Summer” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Don\’t Waste Your Summer.” Did you ever think that your summer was designed, created, and gifted to you by God for a much greater purpose than your vacation? There really is more to this than summer.
Message: “Stand For Your Family 05: All Present and Accounted For” from Jeff Parker
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” What is the result of standing and building for your family? What happens afterwards, and what could it mean for your family?
Message: “Stand for Your Family 04: I Am Doing A Great Work” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” If we can just take the resolute stand for our great work the way Nehemiah did, it could revolutionize the way we build for our families!
Message: “Stand for Your Family 03: Assess And Cast Vision” from Ken Cann
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” Before you build, you must have a realistic view of your family’s condition. Ken Cann takes us to Nehemiah’s story to show us how to assess and cast vision for our family.
Message: “Stand for Your Family 02: Authority From The King” from Steven Mansell
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” You have been given authority to influence and to build your family. It seems our culture today denies that authority. Steven Mansell takes us to Nehemiah’s story to show us that our building authority comes straight from God.
Message: “How To Take Down Christianity” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” You may be surprised to learn that there IS ONE “silver bullet” that can take down Christianity. You might be even more surprised to learn that we are open and honest about it.
Message: “Stand for Your Family 01: My Life’s Great Work” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” The storm is raging all around us, and your family is vulnerable. God is calling YOU to “build your house on the firm foundation.” Before you even start, you have to have a vision of what you’re building. What is your vision for your family?
This is your life’s great work.
Message: “Part 05: Question and Response” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” Thankfully, our church asks non-controversial questions, like
– Where do you stand on speaking in tongues?
– How can I repent if I was baptized as an infant?
– Do you have to continually ask the Holy Spirit to be in you?
Pastor Steve does his best to answer these and other questions that we asked!
Message: “Part 04: Be Filled With The Spirit” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” There are a lot of ideas about being filled with the Spirit. Let’s look at what the New Testament prescribes for us!
Message: “Part 03: Why You Don’t Need The Holy Spirit” from Steve Dusek
Steve Dusek
A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” It turns out most Christians don’t even need the Holy Spirit in their lives!
Message: “Part 02: Who is the Holy Spirit?” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” Before we are able to stand in the power of the Holy Spirit, we have to know who He is in the first place!
Message: “Part 01: The Holy Spirit Matters” from Steve Dusek
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” It seems we talk about the Holy Spirit too little these days. Why is that? Isn’t He important in our lives? Why does He matter, and what does He want to do in your life?
Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Message: “Chance or Change Part 2” from Ken Cann
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Chance or Change.” The way God changes us is to reveal more of Himself to us… One of the ways he does that is through His “Perfect Ten,” the Ten Commandments. They describe His character, His nature to us. Ken Cann brings this message about the way God works change in our lives.
Message: “The Prayer of Hezekiah” from Jeff Parker
Annie Oakley
A message from the series “Stand Alone.” Prayer is the most powerful tool God gives us to get things done, yet it may be the most underused tool we have! Why is that? How can our prayers go from being weak and ineffective to powerful and productive? Pastor Jeff Parker brings us this look at the prayer of Hezekiah.