Message: “How To Take Down Christianity” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” You may be surprised to learn that there IS ONE “silver bullet” that can take down Christianity. You might be even more surprised to learn that we are open and honest about it.

Message: “Stand for Your Family 01: My Life’s Great Work” from Steve Dusek

Annie Oakley

A message from the series “Stand for Your Family.” The storm is raging all around us, and your family is vulnerable. God is calling YOU to “build your house on the firm foundation.” Before you even start, you have to have a vision of what you’re building. What is your vision for your family?
This is your life’s great work.

Message: “Part 05: Question and Response” from Steve Dusek

Steve Dusek

A message from the series “Stand in the Power of the Holy Spirit.” Thankfully, our church asks non-controversial questions, like

– Where do you stand on speaking in tongues?
– How can I repent if I was baptized as an infant?
– Do you have to continually ask the Holy Spirit to be in you?
Pastor Steve does his best to answer these and other questions that we asked!