Join us every Friday at 7:00PM in our main auditorium
Everyone needs recovery. You shouldn’t have to struggle alone.
The Celebrate Recovery family is compassionate and provides a safe place for you to be real about your struggles.

The feeling of being HURT is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or to a disturbing situation (abuse, abandonment, codependency, divorce, relationship issues, etc.).
HANG-UPS are negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with people or adversity (anger, PTSD, depression, fear, unforgiveness, etc.).
A HABIT is an addiction to someone or something (alcoholism, drugs, food, gambling, sex, pornography, shopping, smoking, etc.).
Whatever hurts, hang-ups or habits you're struggling with – Celebrate Recovery’s proven Christ-centered 12-Step program will help you find freedom.

CR begins every Friday night at 7:00PM in our auditorium with worship, followed by a message from the CR 12 Steps or a testimony.
Open-Share Groups follow immediately after.
Childcare is available for children age 2-12. Check-in starts at 6pm.
Open-Share Groups
Our share groups are gender specific, giving you the opportunity to share your struggles in a safe, understanding environment. We build relationships with others who are struggling, keeping each other accountable during the week.
Women's Chemical Addiction
Women's Mixed Issues
Men's Chemical Addiction
Men's Mixed Issues
Men's Welcome Home For Veterans