Sundays, February 2 - April 6, 6-7pm
This culture is designed to take you down.
Credit cards, car loans, student loans . . . they’ll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there’s one way out of the mess of debt, and it starts right here with you. You can change your future today by joining our Financial Peace University class.
Financial Peace University presents Biblical, practical steps to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely!
You’ll learn to:
Pay Off Debt Fast
Save More Money
Build Lasting Wealth
The Average FPU Family
Pays off
Dollars of Debt
And Saves
In The First
Sundays, February 2 - April 6, 6-7pm
Watch this short video to hear how Financial Peace University changed lives just like yours.
This is the “FLEX” version of Financial Peace University, which means shorter classes, and watch the weekly videos at home. We tried this last semester with great reviews.
“The prudent see danger coming and take refuge. The simple go on and suffer for it.” -Proverbs
Are you prepared for the next economic storm in your life? Most aren’t.
The elders of The Orchard Church feel compelled by the Holy Spirit to make this very important course available to everyone. We feel this is the single best way to prepare our people and strengthen their ability to serve God. The result will be a healthier financial outlook for you and your family, and a church much better positioned to respond to God’s call.
Sundays, February 2 - April 6, 6-7pm