3rd QuarterREPORT
Our web based reach saw a dramatic increase in the second quarter and began to taper off in June as we all began to grow a little more tired of the screen time. The ZOOM meetings are still happening, but with less frequency as we all begin to start stepping out of our own homes, mask up, and step into society again. While social media and our website are incredibly important in these times, we are seeing the need for personal connections grow.
Our new updated single website launched in September and we are focusing on creating a central location for the many needs for anyone from a first time guest, to an elder.
COVID19 has unfortunately dominated most of our year, but we are proud of the work that we've done to love and protect those around us. As cases rise and fall, and then rise and fall again, we have worked hard to maintain a level of normalcy for our church. Find out more about our response to the pandemic here...
by serving
This quarter brought with it a lot of unique new challenges, learning to live and be effective both in the digital arena as well as the physically in-person. Seeking to serve both those who are able to attend and those who still connect digitally.
While the current situation limited a lot of the events and gatherings that we would normally have during the Summer months, we are excited to look ahead at the future of our church and it's role in the community. So many new opportunities are coming along and we can't wait to share with others the amazing faith that we have in Christ.
2020 Quarterly Financial Report
3rd Quarter Budget
Actual Budget Giving
Third Quarter Spending
Year To Year Contributions
New Property Loan Update
As part of our "aggressive paydown plan," we were able to pay off an additional $100,000 dollars with our Building Fund in Quarter 1, 2020. COVID altered our plans for paying off the principal balance but we are still on a great track.
Starting Loan Principal
Jan 2020 principal
Q1 2020 principal
Q2 2020 principal
Q3 2020 principal
Current Fund Balances