

Next class: TBD

Registration Closed

making sense of the bible

New Date: TBA

Registration Closed

Tuesdays at 6:30pm

April 2 - May 14


A workbook study of theology by Wayne Grudem
This book explores how mankind is distorted, but not lost, through sin and is renewed through redemption in Christ.

Reading Material
We'll use Wayne Grudem's book, "Making Sense of Man and Sin." 
Books are available for purchase on Amazon HERE.
Important Topics Include:
The creation of male and female, including harmonious personal relationships, equality in personhood and importance, and difference in role and authority.

Equality and differences in the Trinity.

The essential nature of man.

Our inherited guilt and corruption because of Adam’s sin.
This is going to be a great class!

Starting July 10th at 6PM, Susan Farnham will be leading this new class. No required reading, but we're sure you'll want to take lots of notes!



Susan Farnham is an Atlanta native. A recovering Presbyterian, she and Dan have been married for 43 years! Susan began formal theology training at University of Southern Mississippi. She continues deeper and deeper to this day because she loves the Lord with all her heart, mind, and soul.

Sundays at 6:00pm

February 2 - April 6


A workbook study of theology by Wayne Grudem
Making Sense of Salvation explores God’s common grace to redeem those who will be saved, and to demonstrate his goodness, mercy, justice, and glory.

Reading Material
We'll use Wayne Grudem's book, "Making Sense of Salvation." 
Books are available for purchase on Amazon HERE.
Important Topics Include:
The order of salvation—from God’s choice of people to be saved to the chosen people receiving a resurrection body.
Effective calling—the act of God the father speaking through the human proclamation of the gospel to summon people to himself in saving faith. Regeneration—a secret act of God in which he imparts new spiritual life to us.
Glorification—when Christ returns and raises from the dead the bodies of all believers for all time who have died.

Starting July 10th at 6PM, Susan Farnham will be leading this new class. No required reading, but we're sure you'll want to take lots of notes!



Susan Farnham is an Atlanta native. A recovering Presbyterian, she and Dan have been married for 43 years! Susan began formal theology training at University of Southern Mississippi. She continues deeper and deeper to this day because she loves the Lord with all her heart, mind, and soul.

"Making sense of Christ and The Spirit"

Here are some of the things you'll be studying in this class:

  • Person of Christ

  • Doctrine of the Atonement

  • Jesus' Resurrection

  • Jesus' Ascension

Starting April 11th, Susan Farnham will be leading the Systematic Theology class.
You can purchase Wayne Grudem's, "Making Sense of Christ and the Spirit" from your favorite book store or you can purchase it below.

Purchase Here

The Orchard Church

7288 Hwy 515 N

Ellijay, GA 30536

