21 Day Spiritual Journey begins

Press In
January 21 - February 11
It all begins with making a commitment to grow spiritually on Sunday, January 21.
Below, you'll find several ways to press in. There are also even suggestions on how you can go that extra mile!
Personal Reading & Prayer
21 Days of Devotions
Daniel prayed and fasted for three weeks, 21 days, and his answer finally came.
This guide is provided to help us pray together each day.
24 Hours of Prayer & Scripture
January 23-24 from 6:30pm-6:30pm
We'll kicked it off the first hour with prayer, scripture and worship in the main auditorium. It was a packed house! Afterwards, the next 23 hours were broken up into 30 minute time slots that anyone could sign-up to pray or read scripture. We also had prayer stations to guide prayer time and scripture suggestions. However, you could read any scripture from the Bible you wanted in any translation you preferred. All were welcome to participate for anytime frame during the full 24 hours. We even had people participating remotely! They shared with us on Facebook when they prayed and what scripture they read. It was a powerful 24 hours! Thank you to all who were able to join us.

LifeGroup Challenge
January 28 – February 3
Our Lifegroups are all planning unique events during this time. Our hope is to encourage everyone to join and participate in a LifeGroup in 2024 and beyond. LifeGroups are where loving others begins at The Orchard Church. Don't have a LifeGroup yet? We can help you find one that fits your stage in life and your location preference.
Property Prayer Walk
Rescheduled for February 17 @2pm
The rainy weather for February 11th is expected to make for a very muddy property, so we've decided to reschedule the Property Prayer Walk for February 17th. Join us as we walk our new property together praying, praising and giving thanks for all God is doing and will do in Gilmer County though The Orchard Church. Afterwards, we'll gather around the stakes that mark the area of our new building and ask for God's blessings over it, our ministry and Gilmer County. We hope everyone can join us!
Our new property is located at:
534 Highland Parkway, East Ellijay, GA 30540
Commitment Sunday
February 11 @ 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30am
Our 21-Day Spiritual Journey will culminate in 1 Commitment Day for a 24-month Pledge toward the future of the gospel in Gilmer County. Please pray throughout this 21 Day Spiritual Journey for God's guidance on how He is calling you to participate in our 24-month Pledge.
The Extra Mile
Here are some suggestions for pressing in over these 21 days:
Love God by
• Praying & reading the bible daily for 10-15 minutes
• Fasting & praying once a week, Jan. 21-Feb. 11
• Participating in the 24-hours of Prayer, Jan. 23-24
Love Others by
• Participating in a LifeGroup
• Inviting others to my LifeGroup
• Praying specifically for someone
Make Disciples by
• Helping a neighbor or serving in the community
• Participating on a Serve Team
• Encouraging someone to join my Serve Team
• Sharing the Gospel with someone
• Invite someone to the Prayer Walk, Feb. 10