Stay tuned for more upcoming events and classes soon!
Question and Response Sunday this weekend!
We've been talking a lot about what it means to STAND for several weeks now. We've heard from several of you already on how the series is challenging you to build your house. Questions have even been coming in on response cards!
Do you have any questions? On Sunday, April 3, Pastor Steve is planning on answering as many of those questions as he can. Submit your question(s), he's waiting to hearing from you!

Men's 5-Week Book Study:
November - December
Let’s face it—men today are under severe attack. The battle line against biblical manhood is clearly drawn and fiercely contested. Don’t settle for less. Join the Orchard Guys and author Patrick Morley on this epic adventure of becoming God’s man. You’ll discover how to prevail in tough times and release God’s power in every area of your life. Books are included for free! Click the button below to find a Small Group.

Join us downtown for the July 4th celebration! We'll be serving up snow cones, handing out VBS invites and glow sticks!

We're getting ready to head into one of our biggest serve seasons. We would love for you to be a part of what God is doing in our community. How will you serve this summer?

We're making sure children in our community are prepared for their first day back to school. Will you help us? Choose to shop or pack/deliver.

Saturday, December 7
Light Up Ellijay is one of our favorite opportunities to be light in our community. We will be hosting the Santa experience beginning at 3:00pm-5:00pm, and Pastor Steve will emcee the parade that starts at 6PM. Be sure to stop by and take a selfie with Santa!

December 24
8:30, 10:00 & 11:30am
(First Look available @ 10 & 11:30am for infant - Pre-K.)
Join us at The Orchard Church for traditional Christmas songs and the Christmas story. Open to all ages.
"KNOW GOD" Crash Course
Biblical Meditation
August 15th @ 6pm
God repeatedly calls us to meditate on The Word, but many of us don't even know what that means, or think it is hard to do. In this course, Pastor Steve will walk through his simple process of Biblical Meditation to help transform your life!
(This class will be available for in-person attendance or to view live online HERE.)

One Service at 11am
It is our day to ALL come together for one service at 11am! Partnering, getting into lifegroups, going the next level deeper together.

5PM - 8PM
(Seating is limited. Dinner Included.)
One-night training on leveraging everyday conversations for the Kingdom of God. Reserve yours now!

Sunday, January 26 @ 6pm
(Light refreshments will be served.)
Orientation is our chance to invite you in and have a Q&A all about who we are, where we came from and where we're going.

Tuesday, April 8th at 6:00pm
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

04.20.2025 @ 10am
(Hefner River Park in Ellijay, Old HWY 5, across from Piedmont Mountainside ER)
Join The Orchard Church for Easter at River Park, April 20 at 10am! We're really excited to celebrate with our community. All are welcome!
Gilmer’s largest outdoor service with an Easter "Egg Cannon" Hunt!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets!

February 28 - March 1
Hey Guys! This one is just for you! Experience powerful worship, dynamic preaching, and meaningful fellowship at The Man Church Conference.
Don't miss this opportunity for spiritual growth!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Sunday, April 27
Hey Men! Join the OGs for the very first disc golf tournament on the new signature golf course at The Timothy House!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

March 13-16
Calling all youth to join with other 6th - 12th graders from around the area for three fun days of worship and games centered around what it means to be the Church. You'll stay in host homes Friday and Saturday night and attend church together on Sunday. All meals are included. Cost is $60 per student.

Women, this one's for you! Join other Orchard women for a weekend of worship and teaching with women from all over. Being at Women of Joy is like drinking from a fire hydrant of wisdom and knowledge. You won’t be disappointed.

Monthly, January 21 - May 20th @ 6:30pm
We've kicked-off our monthly study series on the Lineage of Christ. Visit our OWOW ministry page to register and for all the details.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Hey men, get to know the Orchard Guys Men's Ministry over breakfast! Included is a men’s devotional and prayer time. You'll also get the latest updates from our OG Leadership Team on upcoming plans for our ministry.
OGs Saturday Morning Breakfast
April 5th @ 8:15am
IHOP's Backroom
(90 Highland Crossing, Ellijay)
No signup required, just show up and get to know us! Feel free to invite a friend to join you.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Begin Your Journey from Mourning to Joy
Session Meets Tuesdays, January 21 - April 15, 6-8pm

February 18th
Life Line Screening will be at The Orchard Church on Tuesday, February 18th! Life Line Screening is the premier provider of stroke and cardiovascular disease risk screenings since 1993. As the host of the event, Life Line Screening is extending a special offer to all of our members at The Orchard Church for a screening package that enables you to get peace of mind or early detection.
Schedule your screening online or call 888-814-0466.
A simple screening can be worth a lifetime!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

MARCH 16-19
Join with other 6th - 12th graders from around the area for three fun days of worship and games centered around the gospel.

MARCH 25 @ 11:30AM
The Orchard Church
It takes a lady... You work hard, manage a home, raise kids (big and small), volunteer and so much more. Ladies you do it all! You're appreciated more than you'll ever know. You are special. Join us for this ladies fellowship, because you deserve something designed just for you.
Reserve your seat today!

9AM & 11AM
All are welcome to join us for this special Celebrate Recovery Sunday. You'll hear our very own Bruce Flemming tell his powerful testimony. If you haven't heard it before, you won't want to miss this!
2nd Annual 2024
Labor Day Weekend Ride
For all our bikers, we're taking on the Great Smoky Mountains this Labor Day Weekend! We'll make plenty of fun stops along the way too! Want to join us?

Sundays, July 7-28 • 6-8pm
What if you could know God's will for your life? Join Pastor Steve for this new Crash Course, Sundays in July.

We make sure every kid we’ve served this summer has a backpack with school clothes. You can take part by helping to provide a kid with what they need for a great school year. Get the details and sign up today!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Saturday, June 22 • 9am-12:30pm
We're teaming up with Ten Thousand Spiritual Fathers to train spiritually mature men into leaders who disciple younger men. Join us. You might just discover your calling!

June 24-27, 9am-1pm
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
Calling all painters, builders and creative types! We need your help with stage set-up and decorating!
Dive in as a Scuba VBS volunteer for either a crew leader, childcare, or youth assistant position!

While school is out for the summer, many children are left without the meals that are provided during the school year. The government funded SEAMLESS SUMMER program provides the food - we simply provide the volunteers and man power to get it out to the community. Let's serve together! Click the button to sign-up to serve. You can serve one day or multiple days. It's up to you!

21 Day Spiritual Journey, January 21 - February 10
Our heartbeat is to seek Him first, and His Kingdom, and His righteousness. THEN all these other things will be added to us. (Matthew 6:33) So, we are taking a spiritual journey together. We'll be praying, inviting, serving, and giving BOLDLY.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

We've got reason to celebrate!
Friday, February 9th @ 7pm
At Celebrate Recovery, we've got reasons to celebrate all the time, but this one comes around only once! Join us Friday, February 9th at 7pm for our 8 Year Anniversary of our Celebrate Recovery Ministry. The Orchard Worship band will be rockin' the house, plus special guest speaker Aaron "Patch" Dean and his dog Knucklehead are sure to be a BIG hit. We'll have all the usual CR stuff too, before and after the big room. All are welcome to join us. Stop by and see how this powerful God centered recovery ministry is changing lives in our community.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
24 Hours of Prayer & Scripture
Begins January 23 @ 6:30pm
We'll kick it off the first hour with prayer, scripture and worship in the main auditorium. Afterwards, the next 23 hours will be broken up into 30 minute time slots that anyone can sign-up to pray or read scripture. We'll also have prayer stations to guide prayer time and scripture suggestions. However, you'll be able to read any scripture from the Bible you want in any translation you prefer. All are welcome to participate for anytime frame during the full 24 hours.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Baby Shower
For Miranda & Steven Mansell
Sunday, January 28 @ 2pm
The Orchard Church
(Light hors d’oeuvres will be served.)
All are invited to join the celebration!

February 11 @ 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30am
Our 21-Day Spiritual Journey will culminate in 1 Commitment Day for a 24-month Pledge toward the future of the gospel in Gilmer County. Please pray throughout the 21 Day Spiritual Journey for God's guidance on how He is calling you to participate in our 24-month Pledge.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Our Orchard Guys Men's Ministry has some new monthly events designed to help you get to know the Orchard Guys (OGs) and grow closer to God. No signups required, just show up and get to know us! We’re kicking off our first Tuesday night event at the movies to watch "The Chosen" (Season 4, Episodes 1-3).
"The Chosen"
Tuesday, February 13th, 7pm showing
Mountain Cinemas
(312 Highland Parkway, East Ellijay, GA, 30540)
We’ll meet in the lobby a few minutes early, watch the movie together, then spend a few minutes afterward discussing. Secure your ticket online in advance because “The Chosen” tickets tend to sell out fast.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
Property Prayer Walk
Rescheduled for February 17 @ 2pm
The rainy weather for February 11th is expected to make for a very muddy property, so we've decided to reschedule the Property Prayer Walk for February 17th. Join us as we walk our new property together praying, praising and giving thanks for all God is doing and will do in Gilmer County though The Orchard Church. Afterwards, we'll gather around the stakes that mark the area of our new building and ask for God's blessings over it, our ministry and Gilmer County. We hope everyone can join us!
Our new property is located at:
534 Highland Parkway, East Ellijay, GA 30540
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

We are taking a trip on September 26th to support and be a part of this amazing day. Find out how you can be a part

Sunday, September 8th @ 10am
Join us for Worship, Baptism, LifeGroups, Fellowship & Food. Bring your lawn chairs!

NOV 3 @ 5PM
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Sunday, November 17 @ 6:30pm
Join us for this very special night of worship. All are welcome!
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

Come as you are to this 45 minute service, open to all ages. Join us for traditional Christmas songs and the Christmas story.

Registration has closed for this family friendly event. If you are registered, you can still get all the details for this event at or click the button below. We look forward to seeing you there!

Adopt A Child for Christmas!
Stop by Parent Resource area on November 10th after services and sign-up for a child in our community that you can buy Christmas gifts for. It's just one of the ways we're able to be light in our community.

Tuesday, November 19, 6-8pm
Holidays can be difficult after you've lost a loved one. We're here to help. Join us for this 2 hour session. Click the Learn More button for details and to register.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?

June 17-22
Open to all 6th-12th graders, FUGE camps are life changing! We'll be heading to the North Greenville University FUGE Camp for a week of fun, worship, Bible study, missions, and recreation.
What will your generation be remembered for?
Mansell Meal Train
We welcomed baby Matthew into the world just a few weeks ago! It wasn't an easy birth and the post complications have made recovery slow for Miranda, but the joy of baby Matthew in their lives and the loving support of our church family will see them through. A meal train has been set-up for the Mansell Family.
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
Alternatively, you can Email Steven if you'd like to help in any non-meal ways.
New Deacon Selection Process Has Begun
The church is the most important leadership organization on the planet! That's why we take our Deacon selection so seriously. Over the next few months we will identify, teach, evaluate, and train candidates. After all that, the new Deacons will be formally installed at one of our Sunday services.
Did you know you have an important role in the process?
November 21 • 2PM
The American Heart Association will be conducting FREE CPR/AED training for up to 50 individuals. Plus, you can choose to get certified for FREE too! Whether you need a refresher, or you've always wanted to learn, this event is for you.
Only 50 spots available.

Join us for ONE SERVICE this Sunday at 11AM for worship and chili-in-a-bag! Plus discover simple ways to jump-start the holidays and the new year. It's like nothing we've ever done before. We've got something for everyone! All are welcome.

Praying for this pivotal election and this moment in our nation
November 7 @6:30pm
Join us as we come together in prayer at The Orchard Church. All are welcome.

Has Begun! Stop by Parent Resources
Be hope in a child's life...Each December we deliver gifts of clothing and toys to children on Tower Road. Will you be hope to a child this Christmas?
Stop by Parent Resources beginning November 13th after the 9am & 11am services for details and to sign-up.

November 12 @6pm
If you have recently accepted Christ into your life, what is your next step?
Join us for a night of worship and prayer on behalf of Israel. All are welcome.

Orchard Student Ministry and Covenant Community will join together for an incredible weekend at Adventure Ocoee.

Sunday, September 24 @ 6PM
A very special night of passionate worship and heartfelt testimonies themed around our Israel trip with some on location worship. It's sure to be a powerful night! All are welcome.

Feels like we just returned from the "encounter of a lifetime" in Israel, and we're already scheduling another trip for next June!

If serving with Celebrate Recovery is a calling upon your heart, we have an serving opportunity for YOU!

Do you love to cook? Celebrate Recovery is looking for people to cook meals for their Friday night events during the summer. Pick one Friday or multiple Fridays. Cook part or all of the meal. You can sign-up alone or with your whole family. It's also a great way for LifeGroups to serve together too!

The Orchard Church
7288 Hwy 515 N
Ellijay, GA 30536